Saturday, 1 September 2012


I'm not fussed if we have to play monopoly but please don't cheat on me.  I'm 24 and your (find out when America or Britian was born.) so it's only fair I play your game peacefully but don't take kindness for weakness & own Mayfair from the start of the game oh and you have park lane? Fuck what I'm left with is a car or a shoe a few rolls of the dice, community chest? Empty that's nice.  a chance card Or two & a promissory note; oh stupid bloke in order to stay afloat you gotta pay utilities bills I FUCKING CAN'T COPE. Monoplys a joke. I can't win theirs no hope. So let's play twister instead? Left hand on red.  Or maybe mouse trap is best? Its all one big rat race someone once said. but please put away your monopoly board its fucked up my head. Peace & love. And light to all. Oh and if you refuse to put away the monopoly board like most spoilt brat children. At least make the conditions even. I'm talking for every last living human. Fuck sweatshops, factory safety nets to stop humans jumping off. Kids getting limbs blown off over a flipping board game. 

Play the game fair children or some of my bigger friends have to put you in the naughty corner before you learn your lesson. It's just a game. PLAY FAIR! Didn't your mother ever teach you to share? Was your mother even there? Do you think it's best you don't care? did dad show you how to fight fair? What will it take for you to hear. You'll probably kill me just for having no fear. Isnt humanity why were here? Therefore do you not shed a tear knowing you have the power to make things beautiful & clear. Makes me feel like the devils already here. How else would we be so near. To such evil everywhere. Maybe I've said too much. But baby I don't care. Seeing how these are just words about a system corrupt and your committing harmful acts on people over there. This isn't about me being holier than thou this is about how my life got flipped, turned upside down. From wearing a frown. To being given a crown. hearing the last sound. Of my grandad, him wanting me to do him proud. Cancer pulled him down. But I gain strength from it now. You see I truly believe we were already blissfully in heaven & the devil is sinisterly trying to pull us down using the deadly seven....

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Poem written during the occupy movement

Real people can bring about change, I'm not talking about marching though that's an energy drain. Occupy was positive but who's still occupying your Brain? I'm not on all that barking it won't reach those insane, they'll carry on dancing eating big mac all the same. If you really want change you need to set yourself tasks not rise time warners profit with your guy Fawkes mask. This is not a diss to your action I support your cause. But v for vendetta did not happen it's just revolutionist porn. Your mind is deluded if you think the government will change our conditions. They will carry on bailing out bankers & sending Internet rioters to prison. So my advice be, use your energy, love & passion wisely because there your biggest weapon. In helping to build community and a better world for our children. Peace & Love.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

King for a day -JSA

Just been to the hole in the wall & made the machine sing. For this one day I am a king. I'm currently unemployed yes I am not working but for this one day I am a king Pizza & ice cream anyone its my round i can afford to pay when I get to feel like a king for the day. Giving twenty pence pieces to the needy is my financial thesis. For this one day I am a king I've bought ethical t shirts straight from my friend Rainbo Ninjah I've bought some elderflower cordial & a fresh piece of ginger. New clothing & healthy drinking & eating for this one day I am a king.  I'm thinking as a king I should do a song, record it, so each coronation I put a bit of paper aside to afford it for this one day I am a king.  I dream what good I could do as king for a week or even a month or two, the joy i could bring but alas my wages are thin for this one day I am a king. I've bills coming in that eats my balance up demolishes everything, I've been dethroned humbled to experience financial suffering again for this one day I am a king. 

Saturday, 5 May 2012


Welcome to my poetry blog!

This blog contains some of my work from the last year and a few from when I first wrote poetry back in 2009/2010. I hope you enjoy reading through the site & if you would like to contact me you can follow me on twitter @ryan_ukhiphop or like my facebook page: Little King ~ Poet.

My first book entitled ''HipHop saved my life, seatbelts saved me twice & my grandad used to give me some sound advice, I wish he survived the cancer fight'', which is mostly a collection of poems, will be out sometime in 2012. you can find the books synopsis directly below and more information will be released in the near future. 

Peace & Love.

Little King

Friday, 6 April 2012


So you're reading the synopsis; this book is basically Little King's synapsis going crazy due to happiness. His ranting causes people bare stress. So he poetically wrote down his thoughts instead. Getting things off his chest, in truth I think he's just a quivering mess. £9.99? I must confess, This books worth way less, just shoplift it out underneath your vest. Then open up the pages & put it to the test. Skim reading it is probably best, once its read pass it on to the next. Youll then probably need to give your mind a rest. Anyway I digress; buy this book so little king gets fed.....bless. Youre still here? Don't get me mistook, this is a terrible book......But anyway.. Why not take a look?

Message to My Mum

I love you mum, I know you probably think i'm lost or being selfish; I'm sorry for this but i'm just trying to adjust to a world that's hellish. You see you raised me with good morals, to be polite  & respect my elders. To share my sweets as a toddler, which all stay with me now I'm older. It was your warm heart & strong shoulders that taught me how to be a humanitarian soldier that wants to help others as the world grows colder. Recently I've not shown you truly, just how much you mean to me. My intention is to express this more to you meaningfully, I can't express it with money so I do so with poetry. Words in rhyme comes natural to me. It's therapy. Mum, please don't hate me. I'm working so hard to show you my heart and intentions are pure. I understand my failures & they say prevention is better than the cure. I have great plans & great ambition, I'm on a lifelong mission, they can't beat us all into submission. Anyway I'll end this transmission. I love you mum, I miss you, take care. Hugs and kisses.

Hmmmm hijabs, hoodies, hats; what's the difference?

Ok so im gonna give you my Uneducated views at first then il do a little research, climb down off my ignorant perch and give you a more balanced view point through my words.

So from a Western outsider looking in, hijab is rather strange clothing. Were used to girls showing off there loreal hair because there worth it. Our religion; materialism, permits it.

Girls here wear the latest gucci or vivian Westwood, wouldn't be seen dead in a drab brown or black hood. Its not cool and it would be thoroughly misunderstood

I personally have no qualms with anybody wearing any clothing item it's their decision, Especially when it's part of their belief system or their religion as long as it hurts no one there should be no ''la restricti'on''

My opinions on this subject therefore are pretty short but sweet. I simply have no issues or any extreme beliefs. Although I do know in the same way I wear an akala t shirt or a quirky poets hat. These peoples garments are personal, for pride, for honour and I respect that.

Why do westerns obsess and emit unneeded stress over somebody elses head dress? Surrely they should treat them with respect and not discontent. It makes me upset.
I said earlier I would do further research, I will but I won't burden you with more words. Just one last verse.

What gives you the right to question somebody's humanity because to you they look a little funny or wear different clothing out in public. Personally I love it. Different Cultures mingling in our united kingdom of puppets. Clones after clones of gucci wearing muppets. do you know what?enough of it....Give me a hijab with soul and humanity over that supermodel rubbish.

Keep doing what you believe in I respect it with all my heart and soul. Hijab for the win forget the gucci fool.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Dark thoughts

Sometimes I question if suicide would end the whole thing. If this great big world of chaos, I was just imagining, if my mind was really just escaping, daydreaming, just resting & really I'm still sat in class, year one or reception. Kinda like inception but really im homeless, unemployed & must carry on no exception, this gives me deep heartburn like indigestion.

My mind is stressing with questions, like why did I become restless? What was I working towards, was it senseless? Do I need to rebuild my whole self, am I selfish?  How can I help the world if i cant even solve this? Should I give up on my dreams just so I can pay rent? How easy would it be for me to reinvent? I need to find strength.explain myself better to my friends, because right now I'm writing this rather than talking out my pain. The ink won't be enough to release this off my brain. Everytime I feel to push the button I stop myself again.

Self destruction will not help me, I need to play the game and do good deeds with the solid foundation I create or do I cut up my N.I card and become a freeman from the state? How can I feel this way? Why is my heart astray? Having to leave my family who find it hard to handle me because they don't understand my dream. I'm hardly eating, I'm lean. Lack of self esteem and direction won't help to build with my team. I need to scream. Somebody help me! I'm still not free. But as I feel so hopeless My brother Smiley has given me a poster. It says keep courage & carry on regardless. Just what I needed from a friend when feeling heartless. Realising I need to pull people closer not push them away like they're detrimental to me. I need to take control of my own destiny...